Cleaning and Disinfection of Water Tanks
Contaminated water is the most common cause of illness, with around 60% of diseases caused to humans, with children below 5 years more susceptible.
One of the most usual ways of water getting contaminated is through water storage tanks - the cleaning of which is either neglected or inappropriate means like the services of a local plumber or sweeper are engaged. Because water storage tanks are enclosed, they can grow mold, mildew and other bacteria that can create great health risks to humans if ingested.
All water tanks and the associated pipelines must be regularly inspected, maintained, cleaned and disinfected. We recommend that the tanks must be inspected and cleaned at least once a year.
Where Applicable - Residences, Commercial (e.g.: independent restaurants and those located within hotels, airports), Shopping malls, Industrial, etc (e.g.: labour camps, catering units)
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