Cleaning and Sanitization of Air Conditioning Systems
Many people consider air duct cleaning essential to maintaining healthy indoor air. Dust, allergens (pollen, pet dander) and toxins (mold, mildew, and rodent droppings) are commonly found in air ducts. If air vents are not cleaned regularly these particles can be released into your house.
The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that removing even four-tenths of an inch of dust from cooling system coils will reduce energy usage by up to twenty one percent. This can save you considerable money on your utility bill.
Typically the air conditioning system should be cleaned once every year before the start of the summer season, but the other common reasons are health issues related to BRS (building related sickness), mould/fungal contamination, accumulation of common dust and various other allergens, bad odour whenever the A/C is switched ON, etc. Most of often the above reasons lead to health issues related to Asthma, upper respiratory problems, skin disease etc
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